
Course Description

Learn from an industry expert how to create original content, photos, and videos for marketing campaigns used across various industries, from fashion to film. Explore the elements of compelling content and how something goes viral, review the pros and cons of the viral world of videos and photos, and discuss how video and social media are changing the DNA of photography and marketing.


ELIGIBLE GRADES: High School students entering grades 9 through 12 as of the upcoming Fall semester.

See below for the required course supplies.
  • DLSR camera with manual controls or a cell phone

  • SD card 8 or 16 GB if bringing a camera

  • A 16 gig flash drive/USB (this will be used for image collection)

  • A notebook

Please note: Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment. We recommend that you wait until a week before class starts to purchase supplies. You will be notified by email if cancellations occur. Instructor assignments are subject to change.
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