HAP030 - Basic Sewing: Simple Dresses

Course Description
You'll learn the basics of how to lay out and cut a pattern and sew a dress and/or skirt using an industrial machine, how to make various seams, seam finishes, hems, zippers, and closures. Each student will begin with the basic dress/skirt pattern and may customize as time permits. Additional projects may be added as the student advances within the course. *Projects and class schedule may be adjusted to reflect the abilities and pace of the students in course.Notes
ELIGIBLE GRADES: High School students entering grades 9 through 12 as of the upcoming Fall semester.
See below for the required supplies for this middle school workshop.
COURSE SUPPLY LIST FOR STUDENTS (for all sections of this course):
First day of class: All supplies for projects will be discussed in class.
- Notebook & pen/pencil
- Manilla or clear envelope ( 11” X14” ) for Patterns and Fabric
Regarding Fabric and Projects
Do not purchase Fabric for your Dress until you are measured by the instructor in class.
We will address yardages for sizes and appropriate fabrics for your dress in class
The supplies will cost about $60, fabric purchases must be made at a fabric store (students will be shown examples of type of fabric to purchase for their dress in class).
Note absolutely no stretch fabrics, jersey or Plaids for this course Only cotton or cotton polyester blends
- (Short Dress style) 2 yards of 45” wide or 1 ½ yards of 60” wide fabric, solid or print
( you may need more based on your size)
- (Long dress/ Maxi style) 2-3 yards of 45” wide or 31⁄2 yards of 60” wide fabric
( you may need more based on your size)
- Optional trims Ribbon for neckline 1 1⁄2 yards (1 to 1 ½” width)
- Optional Ribbon for tie belt at waist 2 yards your choice ( width your choice)
- Thread to match
Note: The basic dress style has 2 ruffles on the bottom
Option: additional ruffles will require extra fabric)